Curriculum Vitae & Selected Scientific Works
Name | Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Markus Büscher |
Address | Hermann-Barnikol-Str. 10 52428 Jülich, Germany Tel.: 0 24 61 / 61 5603 (office) |
Day, place of birth | September 19, 1962, Bensberg, Germany |
School education | 1969 – 1973 Primary school, Overath 1973 – 1982 High school diploma (Abitur): average 2.0 |
Military service | July 1982 – June 1984 NATO Headquarters, Maastricht (NL) |
Academic education | Physics (Diplom) WS 1984/85 – WS 1989/90 Universität zu Köln (Cologne) July 1986 November 1989 |
Diploma thesis | September 1988 – September 1989 Research visit at Brookhaven Natl. Lab. (U.S.A.) as Fulbright und Richard-Winter fellow with Prof. R.F. Casten Topic: |
Doctoral thesis | December 1989 – October 1992 Nuclear Physics Institute (IKP), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH (FZJ) Topic: Graduation, Universität zu Köln, overall degree „sehr gut“ |
Habilitation | October 2004 Habilitation thesis Topic: „K+-Mesonenproduktion in Atomkernen“ July 2005 |
Full professorship | September 2013 Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf |
Teaching at | 2005 – 2013 Universität zu Köln 2013 – today |
Current affiliation | Peter-Grünberg Institut (PGI-6) Forschungszentrum Jülich 52425 Jülich Institute for Laser and Plasma Physics |
Scientific activities (leading or significant contributions) | September 1992 – August 2013 Scientist at IKP / FZJ * Construction of the ANKE spectrometer at COSY NIM A 462, 364 (2001) * Theoretical studies on ![]() May 1995 May 1998 1998 – 2013 2001 – 2013 since 2000 2006 – 2015 since 2008 July 1999 – November 2007 November 1999 – Oktober 2005 since 2008 Member of the ANKE/COSY, PANDA/HESR und WASA-at-COSY collaborations |
Teaching activities | WS 2000/01 (Universität zu Köln) Lecture „Aktuelle Probleme der Hadronenphysik“ WS 2001/02, WS 2002/03 SS 2003, SS 2004, SS 2005, SS 2006, SS 2007 WS 2003/04, WS 2004/05, WS 2005/06, WS 2007/08 SS 2008, SS 2009, SS 2010, SS 2011, SS 2012 WS 2008/09 WS 2010/11, WS 2011/12, WS 2012/13 WS 2005/06, SS2007, WS 2009/10, WS 2011/12 SS 2014, SS2015 (Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf) |
Other activities | June 1993 – August 2013 Elected member of Institutsleitungsausschuss IKP since January 2010 since January 2012 since January 2014 March 2005 – March 2009 since July 2007 |
Hobbies | Volleyball, saxophone |
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
52428 Jülich, Germany
phone: (+49) 2461 61–6696
fax: (+49) 2461 61–2620