Curriculum Vitae & Selected Scientific Works

Prof. Dr. Markus Büscher

Name Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Markus Büscher
Address Hermann-Barnikol-Str. 10
52428 Jülich, Germany

Tel.: 0 24 61 / 61 5603 (office)

Day, place of birth September 19, 1962, Bensberg, Germany
School education 1969 – 1973
Primary school, Overath

1973 – 1982
Albertus-Magnus Gymnasium (secondary school), Bensberg

High school diploma (Abitur): average 2.0

Military service July 1982 – June 1984
NATO Headquarters, Maastricht (NL)
Academic education Physics (Diplom)
WS 1984/85 – WS 1989/90
Universität zu Köln (Cologne)

July 1986
Vordiplom, overall grade „sehr gut“

November 1989
Diplom in physics, overall grade „sehr gut“

Diploma thesis September 1988 – September 1989
Research visit at Brookhaven Natl. Lab. (U.S.A.) as Fulbright und Richard-Winter fellow
with Prof. R.F. Casten

„Lebensdauermessungen im Picosekundenbereich in 97Sr, 97Y und 97Zr und Formkoexistenz in der A~100 Region“

Doctoral thesis December 1989 – October 1992
Nuclear Physics Institute (IKP),
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH (FZJ)

„Planung eines Magnetspektometers zur Untersuchung der Mesonenerzeugung in Atomkernen am internen Targetplatz des Kühlersynchrotrons COSY-Jülich“

Graduation, Universität zu Köln, overall degree „sehr gut“

Habilitation October 2004
Habilitation thesis
Topic: „K+-Mesonenproduktion in Atomkernen“

July 2005
Venia legendi for experimental physics Universität zu Köln

Full professorship September 2013
Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf
Teaching at 2005 – 2013
Universität zu Köln

2013 – today
Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf

Current affiliation Peter-Grünberg Institut (PGI-6)
Forschungszentrum Jülich
52425 Jülich

Institute for Laser and Plasma Physics
Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf
40204 Düsseldorf

Scientific activities (leading or significant contributions) September 1992 – August 2013
Scientist at IKP / FZJ
* Construction of the ANKE spectrometer at COSY NIM A 462, 364 (2001)
* Theoretical studies on K^+ meson production in nuclei Z.Phys.A 347, 191 (1994); Z.Phys.A 350, 161 (1994)

May 1995
Experiment on K^+ meson production at ITEP, Moscow:
* Successful test of a K^+ telescope for ANKE, Measurement of K^+ production in pBe collisions Z.Phys.A 355, 93 (1996)

May 1998
Commissioning of ANKE

1998 – 2013
Measurements on proton-induced K+ meson production in nuclei with ANKE:
* Optimization of K^+ detection NIM A 481, 378 (2002)
* Measurement of inclusive K^+ momentum spectra far below the nucleon-nucleon threshold
PRL 87, 022301 (2001)
* Development of an „ordering scheme“ of the world data set PRC 65, 014603 (2001)
* Precise determination of the nuclear K^+ potential at normal nuclear density
PLB 540, 207 (2002)
* First direct observation of K^+ production in 2-step processes,
Hints on K^+ production on 2-nucleon clusters EPJA 17, 235 (2003)
* Overview article EPJA 22, 301 (2004)

2001 – 2013
COSY experimental program on the light scalar mesons a0/f0(980)
* Theoretical studies on feasibility of the experiments
PLB 521, 217 (2001); JPG 28, 2423 (2002)
* Production of a0+(980) mesons in pp → d K+ K 0 reactions an ANKE
PRL 91, 172304 (2003)
* Theoretical interpretation of the data EPJA 21, 507 (2004)
* Determination of the antikaon-deuteron scattering length PLB 601, 132 (2004)
* K+K‒ production in proton-proton reactions EPJA 29, 245 (2006); PLB 668, 315 (2008)
* Measurement of the extremely small dd → α K^+K^‒ production cross section
Chin. Phys. C 20, 33 (2009); EPJA 42, 1 (2009)

since 2000
Construction of a frozen-pellet target for experiments at storage rings (COSY, HESR) and high-power lasers
* Properties of cryogenic fluids
PRL 100, 174505 (2008); CERN Courier Sept. 2008

2006 – 2015
Experiments with the WASA spectrometer at COSY
* Decays of the η mesons; search for new particles PLB 707, 243 (2012), PLB 726, 187 (2013)
* Indications of a novel hadronic resonance
PRL 112, 202301 (2014); CERN Courier June 2014

since 2008
Experiments on laser-induced particle acceleration at the Institute for Laser- and Plasma physics, Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf
* Development of a method to measure the polarization of laser-accelerated hadrons
Phys. Plasmas 21, 023104 (2014) ); CERN Courier Mar. 2014

July 1999 – November 2007
Beam-time coordinator COSY

November 1999 – Oktober 2005
Spokesperson of the ANKE collaboration

since 2008
Member and coordinator of the WASA Publication Committee

Member of the ANKE/COSY, PANDA/HESR und WASA-at-COSY collaborations

Teaching activities WS 2000/01 (Universität zu Köln)
Lecture „Aktuelle Probleme der Hadronenphysik“

WS 2001/02, WS 2002/03
Lecture „Elementarteilchenphysik“

SS 2003, SS 2004, SS 2005, SS 2006, SS 2007
Lecture „Physik der Elementarteilchen“

WS 2003/04, WS 2004/05, WS 2005/06, WS 2007/08
Lecture „Experimente zur starken Wechselwirkung“

SS 2008, SS 2009, SS 2010, SS 2011, SS 2012
Lecture „Particle Physics“

WS 2008/09
Lecture „Hadron Physics”

WS 2010/11, WS 2011/12, WS 2012/13
Lecture „Tools for Particle Physics”

WS 2005/06, SS2007, WS 2009/10, WS 2011/12
Lecture „Physik für Mediziner“

SS 2014, SS2015 (Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf)
Lecture „Kern- und Teilchenphysik“

Other activities June 1993 – August 2013
Elected member of Institutsleitungsausschuss IKP

since January 2010
Elected member of Scientific and Technical Council (WTR) FZJ

since January 2012
Elected member of the Hauptkommission FZJ

since January 2014
Vice-Chairman of the Scientific and Technical Council (WTR) FZJ

March 2005 – March 2009
Accountant of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft

since July 2007
Laboratory correspondent of the FZJ for the CERN Courier

Hobbies Volleyball, saxophone




Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
52428 Jülich, Germany
phone: (+49) 2461 61–6696
fax: (+49) 2461 61–2620